Hydroponics for Weed

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Learn about the benefits of the hydroponic cannabis growing system and why it produces the best crop.

AutoPot Watering Systems 101

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You might be asking yourself, “What the heck is an AutoPot?”
We’re as curious as anyone to try the latest in hydroponic and horticultural products, and this is no exception — Learn along with us as we cover the basics on the automated watering system that is taking the gardening world by storm!

Let’s Talk About Microbes!

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Discover the Power of microbes in your garden and beyond. These amazing micro organisms are essential in all gardens and organic soils around the world.

How To Grow Indoors

How To Grow Indoors

Indoor Gardening is an amazing hobby with endless rewards. Whether you’re looking into hydroponics or soils we have your back. From the environment to harvest, this blog will cover basic principles to setup a successful indoor grow space. Along with tips to make you grow like a pro.